Supply List
- Kindergarten
- 1st Grade
- 2nd Grade
- 3rd Grade
- 4th Grade
- 5th Grade
- Physical Education
- Technology Supplies
2024-25 Kindergarten Supply List
In an effort to encourage sharing and cooperation learning, we will be storing all school supplies in community containers for all children to use as needed. Please do not put your child’s name on any of the supplies listed below.
- * 2 Box crayons (24 count)
- * 1 Box Crayola classic markers
- * 1 Package Elmer’s glue sticks (2-pack)
- * 1 Package Crayola Twistables (12 pack)
- * 1 Set of Crayola watercolors
- * 1 Box Kleenex
- * 1 Tub disinfectant wet wipes (Last Names A-L)
- * 1 Box Ziploc sandwich bags (Last Names M-Z)
The following items are personal items. Please label each item with child's first and last name.
- * 1 Large zipper backpack (no drawstrings)
- * 1 Water bottle
- * 1 Two Pocket Folder
Technology Supplies - listed below- Please note our new iPads require USB-C Jacks
When purchasing school clothes for your student, please consider the active, hands-on, exploratory, and sometimes messy curriculum of kindergarten. Comfortable, wash and wear clothing best suits the busy 5- or 6-year-olds. Please label all clothing items such as coats, hats, sweaters, and sweatshirts your child may wear to school.
1st Grade
1st Grade Supply List
- * Standard size backpack
- * 4 Expo markers (chisel tip, black only)
- * 1 Kleenex
- * 1 Student scissors (with name on it)
- * 1 Pencil Box (for desk supplies)
- * Disinfecting wipes
- * 1 Pack of large glue sticks (Prefer Elmer’s)
- * 1 Pink pearl eraser
- * 1 Box of #2 Ticonderoga pencils, sharpened
- * 1 Package of Crayola washable markers (10 count)
- * 1 Box of Crayola crayons (24 count)
- * 1 Box of Crayola colored pencils (24 count)
- * 1 Box of Crayola watercolors (8 count)
- * 1 Large Ziplock bags - Gallon size
- *1 Small Ziplock bags – Sandwich size
- * 3 Sharpies (black, fine tip)
*Technology Supplies~listed below- Please note our new iPads require USB-C Jacks
2nd Grade
2nd Grade Supply List
- * Standard size backpack
- * 1 Watercolor paint set
- * 1 Pencil box
- * 1 Composition book (wide ruled)
- * 1 dozen #2 pencils (sharpened)
- * 1 Pee Chee folder
- * 1 Pointed student scissors
- * 1 Package washable markers (fine tip) – basic colors
- * 4 Sharpies – (black, ultra-fine)
- * 1 Box colored pencils, sharpened
- * 1 Box Kleenex
- * 5 Glue sticks
- * 1 Box of Crayola crayons (24 count)
- * 4 Expo pens (black)
*Technology Supplies~listed below- Please note our new iPads require USB-C Jacks
3rd Grade
3rd Grade Supply List
- * Standard size backpack
- * 1 Ruler – 12 inch/centimeter
- * 1 Watercolor paint set
- * 1 Eraser (pink pearl)
- * Composition book
- * 4 White board pens (black, fine tip)
- * 2 Glue sticks
- * 1 Pointed student scissors
- * 1 dozen #2 pencils (Ticonderaga) – (sharpened)
- * 1 Box crayons (24 count)
- * 1 Box colored pencils (sharpened)
- * 1 Sharpie (ultra-fine)
- * 1 Sharpie (fine tip)
- * 1 Pkg Markers (ultra fine)
*Technology Supplies~listed below-
4th Grade
4th Grade Supply List
No names on any 4th grade supplies
- * Water bottle
- * 1 Set of ear buds (no giant headphones)
- * Standard size backpack
- * 1 Reusable lunch container
- * 1 Small supply box
- * 6 Large glue sticks
- * 1 Ruler – 12 inch/centimeter
- * 1Pack pencil top erasers
- * 3 Sharpies (ultra-fine)
- * 2 Sharpies (fine tip)
- * 4 Composition books (wide ruled)
- * 3 dozen #2 pencils (Ticonderoga) - sharpened
- * 1 Package colored markers (fine tip)
- * 1 Package colored pencils
- * 2 Boxes Kleenex
- * 1 Scissor
If able: Extra pack of fat tipped markers for classroom use.
5th Grade
5th Grade Supply List
- * Standard sized backpack
- * 1 Water bottle
- * 1 Set of ear buds (no giant headphones)
- * 1 Eraser
- * 1 Pencil box
- * 1 Composition notebook
- * 2 Spiral notebooks (wide ruled)
- * 1 Package colored pencils
- * 1 Pair of scissors (midsize preferred)
- * 1 Set of washable markers (fine tip) - basic colors
- * 2 Pocket folders
- * 1 open mind
Optional Supplies: If you can donate the following items to our shared classroom supplies that would be much appreciated:
- * 2 dozen #2 pencils (Ticonderoga preferred)
- * Glue sticks
- * Kleenex
- * Highighters
- * Hand sanitizer
**Classrooms will have extra supplies if needed.